quinta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2025

Siouxsie And The Banshees: the story of the band who band who saved punk...

Source: Louder Sound By Kris Needs  Siouxsie And The Banshees made incredible music and gave rock a true icon. The editor of Zigzag magazine at the time of their rise tells the...

How Shoegaze Became Shoegaze


The Cocteau Twins — New British Canon


The Sisterhood — Giving Ground (extended remix)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB6r1WNA1i4 Giving Ground The Sisters of Mercy Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme In the place, through which we wander Reason turned around And every fool Will see his madness drowned And every truth is...

Collection d’Arnell Andréa — Isolation (Joy Divison cover)


A história dos Joy Division: Livro de Jon Savage

Sonic Seducer: A história dos Joy Division: As leituras de lançamento  do livro de Jon Savage acabam de ser anunciadas "Sengendes Licht, die Sonne und alles andere: Die Geschichte von Joy Division"...

Post Gothic You Should Know


Back from the dead: Bauhaus reunited

Source: LA Weekly by Lina Lecaro “As contradictory as this may seem, Bauhaus being, in my opinion, the Godfathers of Goth: they were a bright artistic light in a vast wasteland...

A history Of Goth in 30 records, 1979 – 2008

  Source: LouderSound.com By Classic Rock (Classic Rock) May 22, 2019 Classic Rock   The albums, singles and tracks shaped goth music over three decades of glorious gloom  ...

Há 40 anos, os Joy Division mostravam os seus ‘prazeres desconhecidos’

  Há precisamente 40 anos, os Joy Division mostravam os seus 'prazeres desconhecidos' e davam a conhecer um vocalista/letrista tão carismático como tímido, que se tornaria um dos artistas mais...