sábado, janeiro 25, 2025

Macabre Mania From Charles Allan Gilbert to Andy Warhol

Source: New Your Almanack March 8, 2022 by Jaap Harskamp 2 Comments The ossuary under the church of Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini at Via Veneto in Rome houses the skulls and bones...

How Gothic Art Captivates Us

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UT889YeCuo https://youtu.be/TrKEO9GFS18


Fontes: Curso História Online, Wikipedia Um transi, também dito tumba memento mori  e, popularmente, tumba de cadáver, é um tipo de efígie na forma de um cadáver em decomposição, particularmente característica da arte tumular da Idade Média posterior. Contexto Uma representação pintada de um transi, na...

Cologne Cathredal

"In 1857, a famous poet-Düsseldorfer, Heinrich Heine, was once asked why gothic cathedrals don’t get built anymore. His answer was: 'In those days men had convictions, whereas we moderns...

A Handsome Gothic Structure

Source: The Irish Aesthete By theirishaesthete ‘Callan; a market town of mean appearance in the barony of Kells, and a corporation, sending two representatives to parliament; it is situated on the King’s...

How Dürer shaped the modern world

Source: New Statement Philip Hoare explores how the artist’s obsession with science, magic and self-promotion paved the way for our existential age.  BY SUE PRIDEAUX In 1520 Albrecht Dürer travelled to Zeeland to...

Contest of The Cathedrals – the Gothic Pperiod | DW Documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eGWHxbTSO8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_UvBLmdBMU

The Romanesque Period

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_UvBLmdBMU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_UvBLmdBMU

Another Grey World: Brutalism in Berlin

Source: Slow Travel Berlin Jesse Simon visits some of Berlin’s notable Brutalist–and Brutal-ish–buildings… In the eighties and nineties, few things were more reviled than raw, unfinished concrete. Architects who had no...

Au temps des cathédrales : l’époque gothique | ARTE
